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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Python libraries bugs and coincidences with criminal numerology

Today I installed several libraries to crawl websites and to  repair bugs on no parse module. The projects installed were arsespyder-0.0.3.tar.gz, parse-1.8.2.tar.gz, urlparse2-1.0.tar.gz (copied installation files names).  So I get new error even after uninstallation which not allow me parse and scrap even on website urls. The funnest things is that new error lines concides with criminal numerology. So my solution for debugging to uninstall libraries and install again.

File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 94, in <module> 9+4 = 13 (death)
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 74, in <module> 7+4 = 11 (cunning)
File "C:\Users\ANTRAS\Desktop\", line 4, in <module> 4 (Dostojevski acopalypsis)
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 33, in <module>33 Christ age - Year of death of prophet.

Now I remember programmers book (Think like computer scientist) where debugging is described as detective job and even word 'bug' origins with 13 and F (6 - satan digir) crime numerolgy. 

So I debugged the problem. It was fault since on Desktop I had for testing and urlparse is considered keyword reserved by python. Some how I also on Desktop I found So this coincidence raises hypothesis that error with line 33 can be deliberated code line to show double reserved keyword file. Simple 33 is resurection. Simple to debug.

#cd C:\Users\ANTRAS\Desktop

import urllib2
import re

#connect to a URL
website = urllib2.urlopen('http://www......../')
html =
#use re.findall to get all the links
links = re.findall('"((http|ftp)s?://.*?)"', html)

#print links

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 4, in <module>
    import urllib2
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 94, in <module>
    import httplib
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 74, in <module>
    from urlparse import urlsplit
  File "C:\Users\ANTRAS\Desktop\", line 4, in <module>
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 33, in <module>
    from urlparse import urljoin as basejoin
ImportError: cannot import name urljoin

Below I share List of my python libraries, partly for advertising my experience. Most libraries are dependencies, some for productivity, some for trial to debug, some to test, some are fully used and parts of codes copied.

AccessControl (3.0.12) Jinja2 (2.9.6) pyzmq (16.0.2)
Acquisition (4.2.2) jmespath (0.9.0) qcsv (0.0.6)
adblockparser (0.7) jsonify (0.5) qtconsole (4.3.1)
affinegap (1.10) jsonschema (2.5.1) query-string (0.0.0)
alabaster (0.7.8) jupyter (1.0.0) queuelib (1.4.2)
alembic (0.8.6) jupyter-client (5.1.0) ranking (0.3.1)
amqp (1.4.9) jupyter-console (5.2.0) raven (5.21.0)
anyjson (0.3.3) jupyter-core (4.3.0) Record (3.1)
arrow (0.8.0) keystoneauth1 (2.8.0) recordtype (1.1)
ARS (0.5b1) kombu (3.0.35) redis (2.10.5)
asn1crypto (0.23.0) lazy-object-proxy (1.2.2) repoze.lru (0.6)
astroid (1.4.6) linecache2 (1.0.0) request (0.0.0)
attrs (16.1.0) linkGrabber (0.3.0) requests (2.18.4)
awscli (1.10.38) links-from-link-header (0.1.0) RestrictedPython (3.6.0)
Babel (2.3.4) loadcsv (0.4) retrying (1.3.3)
backports-abc (0.4) lockfile (0.12.2) rlr (2.4)
backports.csv (1.0.1) logilab-common (1.2.2) robotframework (3.0)
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size (1.0.0) losser (0.0.3) robotframework-selenium2library (1.7.4)
backports.ssl-match-hostname ( lxml (4.1.0) robotframework-xlsxlibrary (
bcdoc (0.16.0) Mako (1.0.4) rq (0.7.1)
beautifulsoup4 (4.6.0) Markdown (2.6.6) rq-scheduler (0.7.0)
billiard ( MarkupSafe (1.0) rsa (3.4.2)
Biryani (0.10.4) matplotlib (1.5.3) s3transfer (0.0.1)
bleach (2.1.1) mccabe (0.5.0) scandir (1.6)
blessings (1.6) mechanize (0.3.6) schedule (0.4.2)
blinker (1.4) meld3 (1.0.2) scikit-learn (0.17.1)
boto (2.40.0) MetaCSV (0.0.8) Scrapy (1.1.2)
botocore (1.4.28) Metafone (0.5) selenium (3.5.0)
breadability (0.1.20) micropython-csv (0.0.0) semver (2.7.9)
BTrees (4.3.1) Missing (3.1) SeoAnalyzer (0.0.1)
canonicalize (1.3) mistune (0.7.4) SerpScrap (0.9.1)
cassette (0.3.8) mock (2.0.0) service-identity (16.0.0)
categorical-distance (1.9) monotonic (1.1) setupfiles (0.0.50)
celery (3.1.23) mosaik-api (2.2) setuptools (36.6.0)
certifi (2017.7.27.1) mosaik-csv (1.0.2) setuptools-git (1.1)
cffi (1.11.2) mozcrash (0.17) simplecosine (1.1)
chardet (3.0.4) mozdevice (0.48) simplecsvtools (0.5)
clg (2.2.0) mozfile (1.2) simplegeneric (0.8.1)
click (6.6) mozinfo (0.9) simplejson (3.8.2)
clif (0.2.2) mozlog (3.2) simpy (3.0.9)
cmd2 (0.6.8) moznetwork (0.27) (0.2.2)
collective.csv2dict (1.1) mozprocess (0.22) singledispatch ( (1.0b9) mozprofile (0.28) six (1.11.0)
colorama (0.3.9) mozrunner (6.11) smart-image-renamer (unknown)
combine2xlsx (0.1.9) mpmath (0.19) smartcsv (0.2.3)
comma (0.1) msgpack-python (0.4.7) snowballstemmer (1.2.1)
compago (-versiontools-compago-) MultiMapping (3.0) SOAPpy (0.12.22)
comtypes (1.1.3) mutils (1.0.5) South (1.0.2)
configobj (5.0.6) mysql-connector (2.1.4) Sphinx (1.4.4)
configparser (3.5.0) mysql2csv (0.2) SQLAlchemy (1.1.13)
contextlib2 (0.5.3) mysqlclient (1.3.7) sqlparse (0.1.19)
cordwainer (0.0.2) nbconvert (5.3.1) statsd (3.2.1)
cov-core (1.15.0) nbformat (4.4.0) stevedore (1.15.0)
coverage (4.1) ndg-httpsclient (0.4.1) (0.0.8)
coveralls (1.1) netaddr (0.7.18) suds (0.4)
croniter (0.3.16) netCDF4 (1.2.4) summary-extraction (0.2)
cryptography (2.1.2) netifaces (0.10.4) sumy (0.7.0)
cs.csvutils (20150116) newrelic ( supervisor (3.3.0)
cs.nodedb (20150118) ninja (1.7.2.post2) sympy (1.0)
cssselect (1.0.1) nltk (3.2.5) table2csv (0.1.3)
CSV-anomaly-detector (1.2.17) nose (1.3.7) tablereader (1.0.3)
csv-object-reader (0.1.1) nose-parameterized (0.6.0) tablib (0.11.2)
csv-to-table (0.0.3) notebook (5.1.0) tabulate (0.7.5)
csv2odoo (0.7.5) nt-svcutils (2.13.0) tabview (1.4.2)
csv2xls (0.4) numpy (1.13.3) tcsv2png (1.0.1)
csv2xlsx (0.1.2) oauth2 (1.9.0.post1) tempstorage (3.0)
csvconvert (0.1) oauth2client (3.0.0) testpath (0.3.1)
csvcool (0.3.5) oauthlib (1.1.2) testtools (2.2.0)
csvdedupe (0.1.13) odswriter (0.4.0) thread (0.1.0)
csvdiff (0.3.1) olefile (0.44) threading2 (0.3.1)
csvfilter (0.3.1) openpyxl (2.3.5) thrift (0.9.3)
csvImporter ( optparse-pretty (0.1.1) tornado (4.3)
csvkit (0.9.1) ordereddict (1.1) tox (2.3.1)
csvlib (1.0.2) oslo.config (3.11.0) traceback2 (1.4.0)
csvmatch (1.10) oslo.i18n (3.7.0) traitlets (4.2.1)
csvmerge (1.0.9) errors csv oslo.serialization (2.9.0) transaction (1.6.1)
csvpivot (1.1) oslo.utils (3.13.0) Twisted (16.4.0)
csvpp (0.2.0) pandas (0.20.3) txAMQP (0.6.2)
CSVSee (0.2) pandocfilters (1.4.2) ujson (1.35)
csvwriter (0.2.2) paramiko (1.17.0) unicodecsv (0.14.1)
csvx (0.1.1459403998) parsel (1.0.3) unittest2 (1.1.0)
csvxls (0.2) Paste (2.0.3) uritemplate (0.6)
cutplace (0.8.8) PasteDeploy (1.5.2) urllib3 (1.22)
cycler (0.10.0) (8.2.1) vcr (0.0.9)
Cython (0.27.1) pathlib2 (2.3.0) vcrpy (1.11.1)
DancingPeasant (0.1.6) pbr (3.1.1) versiontools (1.9.1)
darcsver (1.7.4) pep8 (1.7.0) virtualenv (15.0.2)
DateTime (4.1.1) Persistence (2.13.2) vladiate (0.0.11)
DB2CSV (0.1b3) persistent (4.2.1) w3lib (1.18.0)
dbf (0.94.3) pexpect (4.1.0) waitress (0.9.0)
debtcollector (1.5.0) pickleshare (0.7.2) Wave (0.0.2)
decorator (4.0.10) pika (0.10.0) wcwidth (0.1.7)
dedupe (1.3.1) Pillow (4.3.0) webencodings (0.5.1)
dedupe-hcluster (0.3.2) pip (9.0.1) WebOb (1.7.3)
defusedxml (0.4.1) plone.memoize (1.2.0) websocket (0.2.1)
distribute (0.7.3) pluggy (0.3.1) websocket-client (0.37.0)
Distutils2 (1.0a4) popen (0.1.20) WebTest (2.0.21)
Django (1.9.7) positional (1.1.0) Werkzeug (0.11.10)
django-adaptors (0.2.5) post (0.0.0) wheel (0.29.0)
django-debug-toolbar (1.4) pprint (0.1) widgetsnbextension (3.0.3)
django-extensions (1.6.7) prettytable (0.7.2) wincertstore (0.2)
django-queryset-csv (0.3.3) Products.BTreeFolder2 (2.14.0) wrapcsv (0.0.1)
djangorestframework (3.3.3) Products.CMFCore (2.3.0) wrapt (1.10.8)
djangorestframework-csv (1.4.1) Products.DCWorkflow (2.2.4) wstools (0.4.3)
docker-py (1.8.1) Products.ExternalMethod (2.13.1) xarray (0.7.2)
docopt (0.6.2) Products.GenericSetup (1.8.3) xlrd (0.9.3)
DocumentTemplate (2.13.2) Products.MailHost (2.13.2) xlsx2csv (0.7.2)
docutils (0.12) Products.MIMETools (2.13.0) Xlsxcursor (0.1.7)
DoubleMetaphone (0.1) Products.OFSP (2.13.2) xlsxdiff (0.2)
dropcols ( Products.PythonScripts (2.13.2) XlsxWriter (0.9.2)
easycsv (0.8.0) Products.StandardCacheManagers (2.13.1) xlwt (1.3.0)
easyxlsx (0.2.9) Products.ZCatalog (3.1) yamlordereddictloader (0.1.1)
ecdsa (0.13) Products.ZCTextIndex (2.13.5) yamlreader (3.0.4)
elasticsearch (2.3.0) Products.ZSQLMethods (2.13.4) yolk (0.4.3)
entrypoints (0.2.3) prompt-toolkit (1.0.15) zc.buildout (2.5.2)
enum34 (1.1.6) psutil (5.2.2) zc.lockfile (1.2.1)
et-xmlfile (1.0.1) psycopg2 (2.6.1) ZConfig (3.1.0)
eventlet (0.19.0) ptyprocess (0.5.1) zdaemon (4.1.0)
excellent (0.0.5) public (0.0.0) ZEO (4.2.0)
ExtensionClass (4.1.2) py (1.4.34) zExceptions (3.0)
extraction (0.2) py-xlsx (0.4.1) zLOG (3.0)
extras (1.0.0) pyaml (17.10.0) ZODB (5.0.0a1)
Fabric (1.11.1) pyasn1 (0.1.9) ZODB3 (3.11.0)
fastcluster (1.1.20) pyasn1-modules (0.0.8) zodbpickle (0.6.0)
ffmpeg-normalize (0.2.4) pycodestyle (2.0.0) zope.annotation (4.4.1)
five.globalrequest (1.0) pycparser (2.18) zope.browser (2.1.0)
five.localsitemanager (2.0.5) pycrypto (2.6.1) zope.browsermenu (4.1.1)
fixed2csv (0.2.4) pycurl (7.43.0) zope.browserpage (4.1.0)
fixtures (3.0.0) PyDispatcher (2.0.5) zope.browserresource (4.1.0)
flake8 (2.6.0) pydub (0.16.6) zope.component (4.2.2)
Flask (0.11.1) pyexcel-io (0.2.0) zope.configuration (4.0.3)
funcsigs (1.0.2) pyexcel-xlsx (0.2.0) zope.container (4.1.0)
functools32 (3.2.3.post2) pyExcelerator ( zope.contentprovider (4.0.0)
future (0.15.2) pyflakes (1.2.3) zope.contenttype (4.1.0)
futures (3.0.5) Pygments (2.1.3) zope.datetime (4.1.0)
gdata (2.0.18) pyhacrf-datamade (0.2.0) zope.deferredimport (4.1.0)
get (0.0.0) PyLBFGS ( zope.dottedname (4.1.0)
gevent (1.2.2) pylint (1.5.6) zope.event (4.2.0)
gi (1.2) pymongo (3.2.2) zope.exceptions (4.0.8)
git-url-parse (1.0.0) pyOpenSSL (17.3.0) zope.filerepresentation (4.1.0)
glob2 (0.4.1) pypiwin32 (219) zope.formlib (4.3.0)
GLSapp (0.2) pyramid-tablib (0.2) zope.globalrequest (1.2)
google-api-python-client (1.5.3) PySocks (1.6.7) zope.i18n (4.1.0)
greenlet (0.4.12) pystache (0.5.4) zope.i18nmessageid (4.0.3)
GRobot (0.0.13) pytest (3.2.3) zope.index (4.2.0)
gunicorn (19.6.0) pytest-cov (2.2.1) zope.interface (4.3.1)
haversine (0.4.5) pytest-vcr (0.3.0) zope.lifecycleevent (4.1.0)
highered (0.2.0) python-csv (0.0.10) zope.location (4.0.3)
html2text (2017.10.4) python-daemon (2.1.1) zope.pagetemplate (4.2.1)
html5lib (1.0b10) python-dateutil (2.6.1) zope.processlifetime (2.1.0)
http-parser (0.8.3) python-editor (1.0.1) zope.proxy (4.2.0)
httplib2 (0.10.3) python-gflags (3.0.5) zope.ptresource (4.0.0)
hyperlink (17.3.1) python-keystoneclient (3.1.0) zope.publisher (4.2.2)
idna (2.6) python-memcached (1.58) zope.ramcache (2.1.0)
image (1.5.4) python-mimeparse (1.5.2) zope.schema (4.4.2)
imagebot (1.2.1) python-novaclient (4.1.0) (4.0.3)
imagesize (0.7.1) python-subprocess2 (2.0.2) zope.sendmail (4.0.1)
imutils (0.3.6) python-subunit (1.2.0) zope.sequencesort (4.0.1)
initgroups (2.13.0) python-swiftclient (3.0.0) (4.0.0)
ipaddress (1.0.18) pytrends (4.3.0) zope.size (4.1.0)
ipykernel (4.6.1) pytz (2017.2) zope.structuredtext (4.1.0)
ipython (4.2.0) pyutilib.common (3.0.7) zope.tal (4.2.0)
ipython-genutils (0.1.0) pyutilib.component.config (3.8) zope.tales (4.1.1)
ipywidgets (7.0.1) pyutilib.component.core (4.6.4) zope.testbrowser (4.0.4)
iso8601 (0.1.11) pyutilib.component.executables (3.5) zope.testing (4.5.0)
isodate (0.5.4) pyutilib.misc (5.9.1) zope.traversing (4.0.0)
itsdangerous (0.24) (3.4) zope.viewlet (4.0.0)
jdcal (1.2) pyutilib.subprocess (3.6.2) Zope2 (2.13.24)
jellyfish (0.5.1) pywinauto (0.6.3) ZopeUndo (4.1)
Jinja2 (2.9.6) PyYAML (3.12)

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